The Kerowagi District’s Education services and outcomes by LLG indicate that the quality
and standard of education needs improvements in order to have knowledgeable and skilled
population in the longer term. Basic assessment and face value judgments shows that
capacity constraints continue to make delivery of education services in the District ineffective.
There is lack of some key infrastructures and facilities in educational establishments such
as classrooms (laboratories), dormitories, quality teachers, and teachers and staff housing.
There is also lack of maintenance to the existing facilities.
Generally, these problems compound to reduced level of provision of education services that
affects the outcomes as compared to the increasing population. The overall performance
indicators on education by LLG shows Kerowagi and Kup LLGs ranked lower in terms of
lower gross admission rates, Kerowagi and Gena Waugla LLGs have lower net enrolment
ratio and Upper Lower Koronigle and Kup have higher teacher student ratio as indicated in
Table 3.1 below.
The following two indicators derived from the 2018 DSIP Report and the Kerowagi Baseline
Survey, 2017 of net admission and net enrolment rates generally portray the current
education situation in the District. The net admission rate gives an indication of the number
of students with access to elementary education or indicates the number of students being
denied access. In Kerowagi and Kup LLGs, the lower net admission rate indicates that a
large proportion of children in the population of six year olds do not have access to the
first year of formal education. This is caused by lack of space and qualified teachers, the
inability of parents to pay school fees, high incidences of repetition and
enrolment of overaged children amongst other factors.
The net enrolment rate measures the students’ participation in basic education which
shows the actual number of pupils in the population of related school age (6-14 year olds)
who are in school and who are also not in school. Furthermore, it illustrates the district’s
as well as the overall province’s status of progress towards the attainment of the goal of
Universal Basic Education. Basic analysis shows that more students from the Kerowagi and
Gena Waugla LLGs are not in school.
The District should, in the medium term refocus to improve quality, access and affordability
at all levels from basic elementary, primary and secondary education leading to TVET,
colleges and the universities. In line with the MTDP III sector priorities, the following
mitigating interventions need to be undertaken to improve minimum education services
and outcomes in the District:
• Increase the number of qualified trained teachers to meet the growing demand of
student enrolment;
• Build new and maintain existing infrastructure and facilities for both students and
teachers & staff to accommodate increasing student intakes and teacher recruitment;
• Establish elementary schools in each of the wards and maintain existing ones; and
• Establish/Upgrade elementary schools to primary level (1 in each LLG) and maintain
and upgrade primary schools to a higher level.