Majority of the people in Kerowagi are food and cash crop farmers. Agricultural activities and
cash cropping will continue to be the mainstay of the 114,510 people. There is therefore a
need for continued support through proper trainings, extension services and establishment
of suitable markets for them.
Table 3.4 below shows that key economic sector indicators have not really progressed well
even though there is huge potential for improvements. For example, coffee is the main cash
crop grown by about 80% of the people especially those growers in the Kup LLG but below
There is a real potential for increased production, hence necessary support is required from
the District Administration aligned to the MTDP III economic sector priorities to:
• Provide extension support services to cooperatives and smallholder farmers;
• Support coffee rehabilitation and development activities;
• Provide proper market access for farmers and smallholder coffee growers;
• Subsidize certain input requirements.