The objective of KRA # 2 is aligned to KRA # 1 of MTDP III and is basically to grow a sustainable
and broad-based economy of the District. It is to ensure that the economic development
will create opportunities that must be accessed by all segments of the communities in
the District. The investment plan for Economic Growth is estimated at K25, 201 million.
Around K12,271,000.00 is estimated to be funded through the DSIP.

The KDDA will interface and partner with relevant stakeholders, DPs, CSOs, PPPs and the
Churches to provide key enabling environment as a process towards the establishment
of the CHEH. It will encourage and promote inclusive participation to improve livelihoods
of the communities from wage employment as well as from improved education, health,
nutrition and amenities such as clean piped water, electricity, roads and security.

Under the KRA # 2, specific goals, targets and strategies are outlined in various economic
activities to:

  1. Generate incomes;
  2. Increase their productivity in both quality and quantity;
  3. Increase access to markets, investment opportunities, finance and credit facilities;
  4. Create employment and business opportunities;
  5. Unlock land for productive utilization, commercialization and urbanization;
  6. Localize and add value to home grown (local) goods and services;
  7. Establish income earning sources for the District in Special Projects to support the
    District development programs;
  8. Empower both women and youth participation; and
  9. Provide an effective and efficient transport infrastructure and communication services.