The KRAs are geared towards paving the path for the development of Kerowagi District as
the CHEH in the long term. They are broken down into goals, each with their performance targets, strategies, deliverables and investment costs on how these goals and targets will be achieved.
They are all aligned to the growth goals in the MTDP III as shown by the reference number to the growth goals in the various tables below. Figure 4.1 outlines the core areas of development that the KDDA will focus in the medium term in partnership with relevant stakeholders, sectors, DPs, PPPs, Churches and CSOs. The KRAs of the District forms the foundation to establish the CHEH through the political efforts of the leaders that are already stipulated and signed in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Jiwaka Province, Anglimp South Wahgi and Gumine Districts. Each of the KRA’s targets and strategies are
set out as processes towards achieving a long term goal of establishing the CHEH that will
trickle down to rural communities of the impact provinces, districts and the region as a whole.