The Kerowagi District is fortunate to have some important strategic developments in
place. The KDDA will continue to support and maintain these foundation services. It will
also continue to support and develop other key development foundations for the effective
flow of minimum standard services and ensure that most of the people in the wards and
communities are reached. This KRA is aligned to KRAs 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 of the MTDP III.
There is already work on the Kup Airport that will be developed into an Export – Import
International Airport in the long term while the Kerowagi Airstrip is being up-graded, the Don
Bosco Technical College is preparing to offer degree courses that will eventually be elevated
to a University status, the development of a Juvenile Detention Centre at the Barawagi CS
facilities and the obligatory customary land registration and zoning program instituted
by the Member, Hon. Bari Palma in partnership with the Department of Lands & Physical
Planning and the Office of Housing and Urbanization. This program will unlock land along
the two kilometres corridor of the Okuk Highway from Kundiawa to Jiwaka borders, zoning
of industrial centre at Ganige, other growth centers and the urban boundary zoning of the
Kerowagi Urban which has been launched on 24th July, 2018 and work was commissioned
on the 1st of August, 2018.
Service Delivery Goal 1: Strengthen Kerowagi District Administration
The delivery of key services is very paramount for any development and investment to
take place. It will require properly equipped and capacitated District Administration that
is committed to work. The Administration has the responsibility to clearly understand and
oversee the important roles of District Governance that will impact on the lives of the people
in the communities. MTDP III is very articulate on Governance under KRA # 6 with the goal
to promote good governance. This has to be done with a very clearly connected District
Corporate Plan that is aimed at implementing this Plan aligned and focused on achieving
key performance indicators spelt out in the various tables of the Plan. The contract renewal
of the District Development Authority Chief Executive Officer should also be based on the
achievement of the key indicators and targets in the various tables.
It is important to have records of the population and demographic dynamics of the District.
It will enhance good governance, proper planning and effective resource allocation.
The colonial system of Village Book Recorders needs to be revived to record all social and
economic activities of the communities in the District as outlined under Growth Goal 2 of
this KRA.
Service Delivery Goal 2: Establish “Hausman” and Strengthen the District Information System
Each Ward in the District has its own population size, demographic composition, interests, priorities, ambitions and development states. It is important to know this information before our limited resources are allocated to any of these Wards in the District. The MTDP III KRA #6 under its second goal outlines on civil registry and the Provincial Plan to recruit Ward Recorders.
It is also important to know the number of churches, women and youth groups, business activities, their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and their threats, hence the “Hausman” concept and the District Information System are very vital services that need to be established. There are already 13 “Hausman” established in the Gena Waugla LLG and support funding of around K140,000.00 allocated for such work to begin. This needs to be rolled-out to the 3 remaining LLGs. Positions for LLG Ward Recorders in the District Administration were being advertised.
Service Delivery Goal 3: Unlock Customary Land for Development and Urbanization
Simbu Province is a populated province and around 90% of the land is customarily owned. Good plans cannot work effectively without unlocking the land. It is critical that the land is freed up through proper customary land registration processes for development, commercialization and urbanization purposes. This is aligned to MTDP III KRA # 1 through growth goal 4 to “increase bankable land for
productive utilization to unlock its economic potential and engage land-owners in the formal market”.
Surveying land for registration along the 2 kilometres corridor on both sides of the Okuk Highway to create bankable land has already begun and launched the Kerowagi Urbanization Program. Unlocking land is a requisite activity for any development, including the establishment of the basic foundations for the economic hub. This is expected to follow along the Okuk Highway to other districts east
and west of Kerowagi District causing what is coined “The Bari Palma Effect”. A new concept and a very simple one to implement along the corridors of any Highway in the country. It will also change the tide and mindsets on development that “development will not go to the people but the people will come to where the development is taking place”.
Service Delivery Goal 4: Improve Education Outcomes and Services
Education is the priority area for the District to ensure that intended outcomes and services are achieved. It will impact on the lives of the people at ward and community levels. Every child and person deserves to be educated in order to open opportunities for them to prosper economically and improve their welfare as also prescribed under KRA # 3, goal 3.1 of the MTDP III. Furthermore, better education facilities
and infrastructure attract students and people from afar. The soon-to-be elevated Don Bosco Catholic Technical College to a University status at Migende provides such opportunity and needs to be supported.
Service Delivery Goal 5: Improve Health Outcomes and Services
This 5th goal of the District’s KRA # 1 is aligned to the MTDP III KRA # 3 and its growth goal # 2 which calls to “improve health services and outcomes” as the health of the people in the communities are very critical. Their health also impinges on the productivity and welfare. A healthy population can sustain and increase the productivity levels to support the local economy. Currently, some of our communities
are not able to access basic health services. Under this KFYDDP period, every effort will be made to ensure those communities access basic health services that is also of quality. Through the support of the Provincial Health Authority, the Migende Health Centre will be up-graded to Rural Hospital status with qualified doctors and medical specialists to operate from there. Various aid posts and sub-health centres in the 4 LLGs and wards will be provided necessary support for them to effectively serve the communities’ health needs.
Service Delivery Goal 6: Improve Road and Air Transport Infrastructure & Communication Services
Transport plays a pivotal role in moving goods and services and people to desired destinations and places. Services and development cascade through the route of the transport network. It enables and boosts the economic activities across various economic sectors in locations where transport network is effective and reliable. An effective communication system is also a basic enabler for economic growth. These are aligned to MTDP III KRA # 2.
The Kerowagi District is strategically located in the area where the Okuk Highway passes through. It also has some of the reliable road networks although some needs to be up-graded and new vital economic trunk roads built. There is already a 4G communication line running onto the main Yonki power transmission line towers that follows along the main Okuk Highway. The National Government has
pledged their support to the Member for Kerowagi, Hon. Bari Palma to build a new Airport at Kup in the Kup LLG. It will be up-graded to an international airport status in the ensuing phases of its development. This will build the platform to establish the CHEH that will bring in a lot of benefits and people including investors, tourists, students, public servants and the general public into Kerowagi and onto their destinations.
Service Delivery Goal 7: Access to reliable & affordable Electricity Supply, Water & Sanitation Services
The growth goals # 2.13 & 2. 14 on electricity in the MTDP III is specified under KRA # 2. It is a vital service that improves human development and accelerates economic growth. Although the main power transmission line from Yonki passes through the District, a lot of people are unable to access this power supply into their businesses and homes.
The power supply is not only unreliable but also expensive. This makes electricity unaffordable for the rural communities. There are however, cheaper, reliable and affordable sources of electricity that can be easily harnessed using the environmentally friendly hydro power, solar and wind mill energy. Many communities are using these sources of energy but needs critical financial support. The National
Government target of 70% of the population to have access reliable power supply by 2030. The Development Partners such as the US, New Zealand, Australia and Japan who are members of APEC have pledged to provide funding support of the roll-out of electricity throughout the country. This is the basis on which the Kerowagi District can tap into and partner with them.
The growth goal 7.4 under the KRA # 7 in the MTDP III concerns sustainable use of water where Kerowagi District has abundant water resources. However, most of the wards and communities still do not access clean and sustainable supply of water into their communities. They use rivers, streams and springs for their daily water needs. It poses a lot of water bond related risks to diseases and places further
strain on already inadequately resourced medical facilities. A quote from the National Department of Health that when “the population is supplied with clean and reliable water supply, about 80% of the diseases will be controlled or eliminated”.
It is essential that all public institutions and business entities have access to cheap and reliable energy source as well as clean water supply to increase economic activities. The European Union through the Government’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) roll-out program and the World Bank funded water program through Water PNG Limited are providing assistance to towns and villages with clean
and sustainable water supply programs.
Service Delivery Goal 8: Establish Law and Order Facilities
The 8th growth goal of this KRA is aligned to the KRA # 4 of the MTDP III which calls to “improve enforcement of the rule of law and prosecution by capacitating law and order agencies and further rollout of law and justice sector programs…”. Hence, effective control of Law and Order through properly established facilities are fundamental preconditions for a well-functioning community in general. The
rule of law reinforces and strengthens economic growth and respect in community life. There are organised crimes, and illegal trafficking of guns and drugs which are rising threats to law and order and deter investment. It is currently the biggest impediment and cost to businesses. The KDDA through this Plan will enforce law and order to provide security and safety to the wards and communities. It will
further strengthen its enforcement through the establishment of essential facilities to address and maintain peace and civility. The 52 wards in the District throughout the four LLGs need to have established and functional law and order facilities.