This is a broad KRA which encapsulates mostly KRAs # 1 and 3 of MTDP III. The alignment to KRA # 3 is basically on empowering women and youths in the economic activities of the District. The preconditions for economic growth hinges largely on the establishment of key enablers and inclusive participation that is organized into various sectors driven by clear leadership and effective District Governance through the KDDA. The theme of the KFYDDP 2018-2022: “Building the Foundations to become the Central Highlands Free Economic Hub” calls for key economic activities in the District to be supported, guided and nurtured to take a leading role for the longer term improvement of the lives of the people in the wards and communities. Many “must-do things” are already in place such as the main highway and the electricity line, the education, health and ICT infrastructures, the rehabilitation of the Kerowagi Airstrip and Kup Airport development, and improvements to Correctional Services and Police facilities to maintain law and order to drive economic growth and development. The KDDA will continue to rehabilitate, improve and provide key enabling environments. The people in the wards and communities need to align themselves to what has been provided and make better choices by identifying where their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are to ensure that they make qualified decisions in order to effectively participate to improve their livelihoods.

Agricultural activities and cash cropping, particularly coffee has been the main cash crop of the District. The World Bank through the Coffee Industry Corporation under the Productive Partnership in Agriculture Projects and Hon. Bari Palma have supported this industry. Investments in various sectors need to increase with greater private sector involvement. The KDDA will lead to support economic projects through the support of a proposed “Economic Hub Development Secretariat” to progress the establishment of the foundations for Kerowagi to become the CHFEH. The EHDS will in the long run progress towards ecoming an “Economic Hub Development Authority”. The State Owned Enterprises (SOE) need to also involve in such areas as electricity, telecommunication, and water & sanitation services.

Economic Growth Goal 1: Increase Cash Crop Production
This 1st growth goal is aligned to growth goals # 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 under KRA # 1 of the MTDP III to achieve increased revenue, increased exports of major agricultural commodities, forest products and manufacturing, and create more employment and economic opportunities. More than 80% of the people live by cultivating their land to support themselves. Agriculture and cash crop will remain in the District for a very long time. It is important to have in place proper agricultural extension services, provide subsidized agriculture input factors of production and establish proper market access.

In some parts of the District, Coffee Cooperatives are being formed via the support of the KDDA. Coffee seedlings have been supplied through the World Bank’s PPAP to a number of nurseries throughout the District, predominantly in the Kup LLG, to increase coffee production coordinated through the Coffee Industry Corporation and KDDA chaired by the Member, Hon. Bari Palma.

Economic Growth Goal 2: Increase Business Investments and Employment Creation
This 2nd economic growth goal is aligned to KRA # 1 of the MTDP III, hence the Plan targets businesses to invest in various economic activities. The opportunities to participate in business investment have been made possible through the development of key economic growth enablers specified in the KiRA # 1. It will be further supported by the KDDA through the proposed EHDS. Increased investment brings in opportunities for employment, wages and salaries, support families and children for education and health services, support daily basic needs, security for future retirement age through benefits from superannuation funds, and generally for improving wellbeing of the communities in the District.

Economic Growth Goal 3: Increase Public Private Partnership
The 3rd economic growth goal has four indicators that are aligned to the economic growth goal # 1.1 of the KRA # 1 in the MTDP III. This goal requires the KDDA to have a cohesive partnership with key private businesses owned and operated from within the District. The District Development and the Services Improvement Program (DSIP, PSIP, LLGSIP) funds belong to the people of the District, hence these
businesses need to procure goods and services for the District. Partnership with the KDDA and the businesses is critical for supporting their growth and increase the level of cash flow and enhance economic trickle down. Such public private partnerships will strengthen and capacitate the local businesses. It will, in turn provide employment opportunities as well as local ownership of any District funded projects by the people, hence care and protection of such projects will be maintained.

Economic Growth Goal 4: Increase State Owned Enterprise Participation
Investment and establishment of businesses in unfamiliar localities poses a lot of questions about the business viability and security aspects to operate undisrupted. The State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are proponents that play critical investment role on behalf of the Government. They need to take lead, supported by the KDDA to give confidence and provide assurance to potential investors through the
EHDS to take up stakes in starting business investments in the District. For instance, gold nuggets are found in the Kup LLG and the Mineral Resource Authority is tasked to undertake proper Geo-mapping of the mineral areas. The KDDA via the EHDS will provide initial research and geo-mapping to establish the possible mineral sites for further exploration and development. Therefore, the SOEs need to engage fully with the communities in the District, particularly those SOEs that are involved in services sector such as Water PNG, PNG Telecommunications and PNG Power Limited. This growth goal is supported by KRA # 1 of the MTDP III.

Economic Growth Goal 5: Empowerment of Women and Youths
Women and youths make up more than 70 percent of the total population in the District. It inevitably warrants this Plan 2018-2022 to set strategies and empower them to achieve targets set for them in the medium term. Their participation and influence in the wards and communities is critical to building and sustaining respect in the community life. This is connected to KRA # 3, goal 3.3 on resourceful and productive youth and KRA # 8 to “achieve a population growth that is manageable, quality, health and productive” of the MTDP III. A very large proportion of women and youths do not have the experience, knowledge and confidence to contribute meaningfully and productively. Chances for formal education and competitive edge for jobs are low resulting in many women and youths’ marginalization. However, they have latent potentials that the Member, Hon. Bari Palma has recognized. He will support and empower them through the KDDA and utilize these potentials for the development and the sustaining of the community life.