Proper monitoring of the Plan execution is paramount to track the implementation process
and to realize fully the planned programs, activities and projects. Four (4) levels of monitoring
mechanisms are proposed as follows:
The Kerowagi District Administration level through a District Management Team (DMT)
should meet on regular basis to oversee and assess the implementation of various
components of the Plan.
The District Administration must submit its Annual Performance and Financial Reports
for incorporation into Section 119 Reporting as per Section 119 of the Organic Law on
Provincial Governments and Local-level Governments, 1995.
At the sectoral level, respective divisional and functional heads with their staff have to meet
regularly to assess implementation of their delegated functions with respect to the plan.
The District Administration comprising of the DMT and Divisional Heads must provide
overall plan implementation progress reports to the DDA Board Members. This must happen
not only during scheduled DDA Board meetings but any other time as and when necessary.
All District Sectors must submit their Annual Performance and Financial Reports as and
when required under Section 52 of the DDA Act 2015 outlining all their service delivery and
financial expenditures.
A District Planning Committee (DPC) comprising of the Administration, District representatives
and relevant private sector, NGOs, Churches and Community leaders should be formed to
operate as an umbrella body overseeing the implementation of this Plan. In addition, the
same body would supervise the formulation and implementation of subsequent district
Plans after this one.
Monitoring should be a continuous task throughout all stages of project development
cycle, starting with the input requirements to expected outputs and finally the outcomes.
Figure 7.3 shows the Monitoring Framework that Kerowagi District will use during the
implementation phase of the FYDP 2018-2022.
In the Figure 6.3 above, the stages between the input and the output will be monitored by
the monitoring committee consisting of representatives from the District and Provincial
Administrations. This committee will have the responsibility to monitor and provide
progressive reports to relevant stakeholders. The same committee will also provide the final
project completion report to the National Government through the Departments such as
Departments of National Planning & Monitoring, Treasury and Implementation & Rural
Once that is done, the district administration will have its database created to capture
the new development. This report will then be forwarded to provincial administration and
national agencies through the Department of National Planning & Monitoring to be entered
into the national database system to measure the impact on the social and economic
indicators of the country.