The KFYDDP 2018-2022 is formulated as required by the Organic Law on Provincial and Local-level Governments to have provincial and district plans. It has been formulated in contrast to the background of limited funding support and extended periods of neglect to improve and develop basic and fundamental infrastructure services, health, education, law and order, and utilities.

This has led to many missed opportunities in development and economic growth in the District. However, the National Government has set Key Result Areas |KRAs| that it wants to support through the various National and sectoral plans including the Alotau Accord II. This Plan is congruent to these plans and the Alotau Accord II to enable the flow of support; both financial and technical. The Plan will further guide the
development funding of the District to ensure that the theme of the District in ‘Building the
Foundations to become the Central Highlands Free Economic Hub” is progressing.

The KFYDDP 2018-2022 draw’s on the development indicators and the critical lessons learned that inform the design and implementation of the KFYDDP going forward. The Plan defines the critical enablers that will strengthen the prescriptions of the District development roadmap through the Plan and spell out five (5| Key Results Areas that are aligned to the MTPD Ill’s eight (8) KRAs:

1. Services delivery
This is aligned to KRAs 2,4,5 and 6 of MTDP Ill and is about setting the foundations and getting basic infrastructure developments right including the District Administration and the Law and Order. There are eight (8) goals espousing administration, “Hausman” concept and District statistical information, land, health, education, utilities, and law’ and order facilities with specific strategies and targets set to achieve these goals in the next five years.

2. Economic growth
It is aligned to KRA 1 of the MTDP III and there are five (5| growth goals on increasing cash crop production, increasing business investment and employment creation, enabling the private-public partnership, increasing the state-owned enterprise involvement, and empowering women and youths in the District. Each of these growth goals has specific strategies to achieve certain targets by 2022.

3. Small to medium enterprise growth
This is more specific to enable the people in areas they are most capable of doing in SMEs and is aligned to KRA 1 in MTDP III. It has two broad growth goals specifying on how to provide the enabling environment to grow’ the SMEs anil to provide market access. There are specific action plans of the two growth goals on how to achieve targets within the plan period.

4. Culture preservation and eco-tourism growth.
This is aligned to KRA 7 of MTDP III. The cultural and environmental importance calls for a proper plan on preserving culture through tourism promotion. There are two goals that set the basis for enabling this KRA and the potential to harness and develop the tourism sector.

5. Strengthen DPs, churches and CSOs participation
The fifth KRA recognizes the important role the DPs, churches and the CSOs play in the development of the District. It is critical that their involvement is properly supported and coordinated to ensure that maximum outcomes are achieved. These partners provide vital services, especially in those rural communities where the Government services are inadequately provided and are also aligned to KRAs 3 and 8 of MTDP III.

Investment in the five KRAs is estimated to cost more than K205 million to fund the implementation over the five-year is period. It is an ambitious Plan that requires support from the National Government, Provincial Government, Development Partners, private partners Key investment articulated in the To areas these effectively implement clearly needs the in are KRAs and to Plan. Fund and other sources such as grants and loans. sources have to be their investment strategic financing Plan, have partnerships understand undertaken prudently roles.
It requires an effective and also timely coordination mechanism within KDDA with monitoring and
functions evaluation of the investment in the KRAs of the Plan. These processes are also spelled out in
Sections 5 and 6 of the Plan hereinbelow.