As the Member of Kerowagi District, I am very pleased that our District is privileged to have its first-ever Five-Year District Development Plan (FYDDP) for the next five years and beyond. It is centered on the vision to establish the foundations for Kerowagi to become the Central Highlands Economic Hub (CHEH). This Plan will direct the course to achieve the vision. Our vision will also ride on the National Government’s concept of developing Economic Corridors to stimulate economic growlh as outlined
in the Medium Term Development Plan III (MTDP Ill). The Plan which serves as parallel and complementary strategy to MTDP III will further guide us to deliver basic infrastructures and services
to impact at the “frontline” where majority of our people live.Kerowagi District presents special opportunities. We have fertile valley plains for agriculture
and commercial activities, vast river systems for water supply and electricity, large rain
forests and unique cultures for carbon trade and tourism. We also have Okuk Highway
that passes through the middle of the District with electricity and telecommunication
transmission lines, Correctional Service and Police Mobile Squad, Don Bosco Technical
College, and Migende Rural Hospital. We have done our Physical Plan of the District in order
to unlock our land to lure investors and developers. We have identified and mapped out
state land, economic zones, agricultural land, urban areas, villages and settlements, forest
conservation areas and plotted our natural resources and wealth onto the Physical Plan.
We are working towards building our new* Export-Import International Airport at Kup and
up-grade Minj to Kup and Nondugulg to Kerow’agi roads and building a sports stadium at
Kondiu to host the 2022 PNG Games through the support of the National Government and
Development Partners.
I fully understand that there are many challenges and issues that need immediate attention.
The District Planning Team and 1 also weighed out these challenges and issues and articulated
this Plan based on the National Government’s promise to concentrate on developing the
provinces and districts. Hence, we have aligned this Plan to the National Development Plans
for ease of developments and services delivery to cascade through to the District. It will
assist to leverage funding sources and making breakthrough achievements in shifting
capital investment funds from Waigani to the District. The Services Improvement Programs
(SIPs) arc expected to become the instrument for bringing services and development closer
to our people, making the funds distribution fair and transparent and fully at the discretion
of our local governments. As the Member, I fully embrace this assuring support from the
National Government.
This is an ambitious Plan that will cost over K205 million to fully implement and is expected
to change the course of the District for better for the first time. As the Member representing
the constituents of the District, I am fully committed to deliver this Plan and provide
necessaiy leadership and foresight for everyone to participate in order to enhance their
wellbeing. We will require support and efforts of every development partner, private sector,
church and the civil society to deliver the Plan to the people of Kerowagi District.