• Electricity
The main power supply line from Yonki passes through the District along the Okuk Highway.
It supplies electricity to Morobe, Madang and all of the seven (7) Highlands provinces.
Nevertheless, most communities are still unable to access this power supply into their
homes and businesses. The main reason is that it is not affordable.
The Kerowagi District is linked with extensive road network, hence electricity poles with
service lines can be built following these roads. The people can then connect power into
their homes and businesses from these poles. Kup LLG, upper Gena and upper Koronigle
do not have electricity services but all other parts of the District have electricity service
lines. Further work still needs to be done to realize this potential fully so that the current
electricity coverage of 60% can be extended.
• Information Communication and Technology
Time and space is not a problem anymore with the advancement of the internet
communication tool. Development aspirations and progress is underscored by the effective
use of communication. However, affordability is limited due to high cost but once reduced,
productivity and service delivery will be enhanced in a significant way.
Fiber optic cables have been already laid from Lae to Mt. Hagen. The people in the region
have been connected and now have excess to better internet services with coverage of
55% presently. Kerowagi District can have easy excess to this communication service by
connecting proper service facilities and lines. The District is currently covered by both
the Digicel and Bemobile telecommunication networks. There is almost 100% coverage of
Digicel and about 60% coverage of Bemobile. Radio coverage is around 100% and television
coverage needs significant improvements coverage is around 26%.
• Water and Sanitation
Water supply and sanitation are two key social indicators to assess development progress
and people’s welfare. Both are concerned with the people’s health and wellbeing as it
promotes healthy homes and healthy lifestyles.
Although Kerowagi District has abundant water resources, only few communities of not
more than 10 have water supplies including Kerowagi Urban which requires significant
Kerowagi Five year District Development Plan 2018 -2022 21
maintenance. Most communities use rivers, streams and springs for their daily water needs.
This clearly poses a lot of water-borne related risks to diseases and places further strain
on already inadequately resourced medical facilities. If clean and reliable water supply is
provided to the population, it can control or eliminate 80% of the diseases.
Currently, the proportion of rural population using an improved drinking water source is
33%. In terms of sanitation the proportion of rural population using improved sanitation
facilities is 13% only. More work needs to done in enhancing the District’s water and
sanitation services.