Most parts of the District are valley plains that extend along the peripheral of the mighty Wahgi River stretched from the western side of the District sharing border with the Jiwaka Province. In the Wahgi, Koronigle, Sinaga and Omge valleys, soils are loam and favorable for arable cropping and grazing.
The District is positioned at an altitude of 1,700 meters above sea level.

On estimate, the District receives around 22, 224ml of rainfall annually. On monthly basis, Kerowagi
receives approximately 200ml of rainfall as it is located in a flat area of Simbu Province. Mostly there are two seasons, wet season starts from October to January while the dry season is experienced from February’ to September. Sometimes weather pattern changes are unpredictably attributed to climate change effects. The annual average temperature ranges between 18 to 28 degrees Celsius (C) but during the night temperatures can fall as low as 6 C.