The Kerowagi District has a total population of 114, 510 in 2018 estimated based on the Province’s growth rate of 2.7% from 2011 Population Census figures. Of this estimated total, 52% are males (59,740) whilst 48% (54,770) are females. By LLG, Gena Waugla Rural has 44, 573 people, followed by Kup Rural (32, 572), Upper Lower Koronigle Rural (31,567) and Kerowagi Urban (5, 798). It has 61% of the population between the ages of 16-64 years old. This age group makes up the core of the economically active and productive population. About 36% are children aged between 0 to 15 years of age. This age group needs to have access to better health and education facilities for quality integral human development.

In total, both groups make up 97% of the total population whilst the remaining 3% are 65
years and older. Kerowagi District has a total land mass area of 547 square kilometers |km2) where around 352 km2 is occupied by the people. Given this, population density* per km2 is 100.3 people
whilst the population density per km2 of occupied area is 157 people.