Infrastructure is a network of facilities that support the communities in meeting and enhancing
economic and social needs. This includes roads, bridges, airstrips, communications and
energy distribution networks, and water and waste management systems. Infrastructure
plays a critical role by connecting communities to basic services such as health and
education, improve social cohesion and facilitate access to markets for participation in
economic activities.

The existing roads and bridges in the rural communities that connect the rural LLGs of
Kerowagi District has not being maintained for a very long time and have deteriorated to
states where some have become unusable. This makes travelling very difficult to access
basic services such as health and education. This also affects their ability to participate in
economic activities, access financial services and access markets to buy and/or sell their

Table 2.2 under Section 2 of the Plan shows the District’s existing transport infrastructure
network by LLG. Most of the 214 km of provincial and district roads are located in the rural
LLGs of Upper Lower Koronigle and Kup including the existing road and foot bridges. The
lack of maintenance to these infrastructure makes access to basic services and markets
more difficult. This has impacted on the outcomes of key developments particularly in the
remotest parts of the rural LLGs.

The District urgently needs to improve the existing road and bridge networks so delivery of
and accessibility to basic services is improved. Listed below are some mitigating strategies
or interventions to improve the existing roads and bridges in line with the MTDP III sector
• Rehabilitate and maintain all District roads to all weather condition roads;
• Rehabilitate and maintain all rundown District bridges; and
• Upgrade, maintain and construct major missing link District trunk roads to strategic
communities of economic potential for transportation of commodities like coffee to