The primary objective is to provide minimum standards of services across the District
reaching out to our rural communities and villages. The Kerowagi DDA will ensure that
capital investments are properly managed and distributed over the Plan period (2018-2022)
to areas where the impacts will be significant. It is estimated at K145, 131 million. About
K100 million to be spend on the Kup Export-Import International Airport development.
The Kerowagi District has over 90% rural based society with geographical features of
rugged mountains and terrains, fast flowing rivers, virgin natural rainforests and isolated
communities. Providing and improving quality services to these communities remain a huge
challenge in order to:
- connect them to basic services; and
- ensure they participate in the economic development to improve their wellbeing.
The approaches to essential service delivery interlocks many sectors and mechanisms that
focuses on the service areas of Education, Health, Transport Infrastructure, Utilities, Law
and Order, and Community Development.
Through the collective intervention of various stakeholders, development partners, churches
and individuals, our growing demand for public goods and services can be supported. This
Plan guides the development assistance and also leverage funding sources.
The provision of essential services will enable the District theme: “Building the Foundations
to become the Central Highlands Free Economic Hub” and espouses four other KRAs,
- Growing the Kerowagi Economy;
- Growing the Small to Medium Enterprises;
- Promoting Culture and developing Eco-tourism; and
- Increasing Development Partners, Churches and Civil Society Organizations’
These KRAs are further set out into sectoral goals and their performance targets and strategies
with clear deliverables and investment costs in the proceeding parts of this Section (5) of the
Plan. The five KRAs and their goals, targets, strategies, deliverables and investment costs
hence outline a precise roadmap for the implementation of the KFYDDP 2018-2022 which
are aligned to the MTDP III KRAs.