The District has various funding options as revenue sources to finance the investment
programs of the Key Result Areas outlined in Section 4 that are summarized in tables 5.1
and 5.2 below. Some of the fund sources are:

  1. Provincial Support Improvement Program
  2. District Support Improvement Program
  3. Local Level Government Support Improvement Program
  4. Public Investment Program (including Infrastructure Tax Credit Scheme (ITCS))
  5. Donors (AusAID, ADB, EU, NZAID, JICA, USAID, etc.)
  6. PNG Sustainable Development Program (PPP Framework)
  7. National Development Bank
    Under this Plan, vital infrastructures of the District will be funded through long-term
    innovative financing approaches and delivery mechanisms. In particular, key roads and
    airport development is expected to be funded under the ADB’s Multi-tranche Financing
    Facility as well as other long term financing modalities and delivery mechanisms from
    within country and abroad such as the World Bank’s Multiphase Programmatic Approach.
    As indicated in the table below, the total estimated cost to finance the development targets
    of the five KRAs under the KFYDDP is more than K205 million. This is expected to be financed hrough DSIP (K51.57 million) and other financing options such as grants, loans and ITCS among others (K154.4 million).