Multi-year budget matrix is applied to determine the National Government’s fixed funding
input requirements over the medium term to accelerate development in the districts. It is
thus, critical for development programs and projects to be fully costed over the medium term
period through the annual budgets process. This new budget approach is employed simply
to do away with disjointed and ad-hoc development financing. With the new approach,
projects and programs are allocated funding over the planning period rather than in a
single year only. In following the annual budget approach, some high impact projects and
programs for the districts could not be fully established due to discontinuity in funding. For
that reason, the annual budget approach is seen unsuitable and a barrier to development
progress. The shift to multi-year budgeting approach thus brings certainty in funding to
sub-national governments. As such, Kerowagi District is following the multi-year budget
The ‘Impact Projects” are funded over a longer period of time mostly supported by the
Government, Multi-lateral and Bilateral Development Partners, and key stakeholders. A
summary of possible Impact Projects are listed and their costs estimated. Some of the costs
are captured in the investment parts of the log frames in Section Four.