The coordination and implementation of the KFYDDP 2018-2022 is very crucial. It needs
to be properly coordinated through well-established coordination mechanism that will
manage, sequence and leverage fund sources for the Plan.

The KDDA will be driven at the top level by the Member for Kerowagi, Honourable Bari
Palma as Chairman with technical support from the normal District administrative and
bureaucratic structure featuring the District Chief Executive Officer, District Tenders Board
and various other administrative and sectoral functional officers.

An Economic Hub Development Secretariat will be formed that will guide various special
development projects and activities focusing on establishing the foundations for CHEH. The
coordination and implementing functions of various parties and partners are highlighted

5.6.1 The Kerowagi District Development Authority

It is obligated to have an annual District Plan and/or a three to five-year Corporate Plan
outlining the key functions of the District Administration and expected outputs. These
plans should specifically allocate its resources including human resources that is geared
towards implementing the KFYDDP 2018-2022.

The KDDA through the mandated responsibilities specified under various functions
will ensure that the Plan is coordinated and implemented. The structure of the District
Administration spells out the duty statements of the respective District officers and can be
referred to the annual District Plan and/or the District Corporate Plan. It should include key
administrative areas such as: Finance and Treasury, Lands and Physical Planning, Law &
Justice, Health, Education, Infrastructure, Agriculture and Primary Industry as illustrated
in Figure 5.1 below.

5.6.2 The Economic Hub Development Secretariat

The Economic Hub Development Secretariat will undertake critical development projects and
programs that are not specified in the normal administrative functions of the District. The
Secretariat will pursue to develop, progress and champion the requirements of establishing
an “Authority” in order for the Secretariat to transit into an “Economic Hub Development
Authority” in the longer term. The EHDS will start by undertaking the following key programs
that are initiated by the Member, Hon. Bari Palma:

  1. Kerowagi Development Holdings Limited

    District owned business arm to generate revenue for the District to help support some of
    the District programs. The business arm will be called the Kerowagi Development Holdings
    Limited under which subsidiary companies will be formed. Some of these businesses are the Kerowagi Coffee Export Company, Kerowagi Livestock and Abattoir, and Kerowagi Microfinance Limited among others. There is often limited funds to support the increasing development expenditures of the District such as in health, education, water supply, infrastructure development, law and justice, and so on. It will further provide employment opportunities to the people in the District. Moreover, the District owned micro-finance company will provide financial services and products to smallholder farmers, informal sector participants and SMEs. Needed funds with less red tape are often not available to people in the communities to support economic opportunities. Microfinance will ensure to provide these services and products to the people. The Holding Company will partner with various business partners as joint ventures to conduct their businesses in a number of investments.

  2. Kerowagi Special Projects Office

    This office will coordinate, manage and leverage funds for the development of special projects. The special projects in the District includes the Development of Kup Export-Import International Airport, Land Registration and Urbanization Committee, other special projects mentioned in Table 5.2, World Bank’s PPAP among other such projects. It will further negotiate for funding, oversee and manage at the District level the progress of projects and report on it.

  3. Kerowagi Development Foundation

    Many constituents of the District often face huge difficulties to support their unavoidable needs. It is proper and humane to have a Foundation that will source funds specially to fund the special cases of deaths, accidents, reconciliations and peace mediations among others including education support programs, formation of development coorporatives, environment and conservation foundation, women groups and so on. This Foundation will be a non-profit District owned organization.

    All the functions under the KDDA CEO and the District Tenders Board Chairman remains as the normal District administrative and bureaucratic functions. Their reporting will be to the Chairman and Member for Kerowagi, Hon. Bari Palma, the Department of Provincial and Local-level Government Affairs, Department of Implementation and Rural Development, DNPM and such other necessary authorities.

    It is important that an EHDS Coordinator is engaged to coordinate the members of the Secretariat. The Coordinator will work closely with the KDDA CEO and report to the KDDA Chairman and Member for Kerowagi as and when required. They will identify relevant technical officers within the District Administration from each of the District’s key areas. These members should be preferably at the District Officer Level and will form the Secretariat. They will function as the technical experts in their field of expertise and provide necessary support to the special projects undertaken by the EHDS mentioned in Table 5.2. For instance, the Kup Export-Import International Airport development falls under special project that requires various officers such as the Lands & Physical Planning Officer, District & LLG Affairs Officer, Social & Community Development Officer, and the District Treasurer to form a working group under the Special Projects Office on the Kup ExportImport International Airport development project. All meetings to be chaired by the KDDA CEO or the Deputy CEO depending on the nature and significance of the project. There should be at least three (3) such working groups formed for the different special projects in the District in respect to the group shown in Figure 5.1 below. These groups should reflectthe following:

    1) Kerowagi Holdings Limited Working Group
    2) Kerowagi Special Projects Working Group
    3) Kerowagi Foundation Incorporated Working Group

    The Secretariat Coordinator will coordinate and keep records of all the special projectsmeetings and activities of the working groups, and perform Secretariat services. The Secretariat Coordinator will call and conduct meetings at the request of the Member, Hon.Bari Palma and the KDDA CEO.

    The Secretariat should craft a list of special project activities, their schedule of activities,responsible officers from the District, the development partners, required skilled manpower,and estimated value of fund and funding sources for these special projects. It should alsoproduce a project document that will be undertaken in the District. Reporting should be asillustrated below in Figure 5.1.