The KFYDDP 2018-2022 provides a platform for combined efforts by everyone involved in
the development process one way or another for partnership. The focus is to identify and
build strategic partnerships and relationships with the following:

  1. National Government Sectoral Agencies

    This Plan will be implemented through a program-based approach. As such programs will
    be designed and developed to localize national sectoral goals and targets. The significant
    sectoral programs are run by agencies and implementation will be done locally. The programs and activities will be aligned to those of the sectors so funding shortfalls can be complemented by the agencies through collaborative partnership. In this way their programs are implemented through activities undertaken in the District.

  2. Development Partners

    They continue to make significant contributions in the development progress of our country.
    Most development partners in consistent with the development cooperation policy havetheir own country strategies that are aligned to our strategic national development plans.Others pursue parallel activities based on positive externalities of the programs to the widercommunities. Their desire is to see value ‘for money projects’ being undertaken so tangibleservices that are welfare enhancing are delivered to the people. In that way the use of boththe grant and loan funding can be justified to their taxpayers and originators of the funds.

    With the shift in development focus to sub-national levels and rural areas, developmentpartners are tailoring many of their programs and activities in targeting rural areas aswell. This Plan is rural focused and many of our programs are aligned to achieve the coretargets of the priority sectors of the MTDP III 2018-2022 and the Alotau Accord II priorities. A number of crucial programs under this Plan will be devised in close consultation andalignment with development partners’ programs and activities. In areas where our ownfunding is inadequate to fully implement the Plan, we would work closely with developmentpartners to meet the resource shortfalls as shown in Section 6C. In the Plan, kina-forkina based project implementation approach is highly encouraged. Otherwise, developmentpartners are allowed to exclusively execute the impact projects under the Plan so there isdemonstration of positive impacts and benefits to the local communities.

  3. Churches, non-governmental, faith-based and civil society organizations

    As often cases the Churches, the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the CommunityBased Organisations (CBOs) will continue to play a vital role in Nation building by fostering spiritual, social and economic growth. The Government recognizes their important efforts to provide basic social services such as health and education under difficult circumstances in many parts of the country, especially in the rural areas where the majority of the population lives but where Government services are either inadequate or lacking. To support their work, the Government has existing Church-State Partnership and CSO-State Partnership policy frameworks with budgetary support. This is to help deliver basic health and education services to improve the lives of the people of PNG.

    In line with the Government partnership mechanisms, the KDDA will continue to seek assistance from churches, CSOs, and CBOs to deliver some key social services in those areas they have comparative advantage. Under this Plan, the KDDA will continue to support both ongoing development programs/activities and new initiatives which are delivered by these important partners. In rural areas of the District where Government service delivery mechanisms are non-existent our churches, CSOs, and CBOs partners will be empowered financially and logistically.

  4. Private Businesses

    Under this Plan, partnership and collaborative efforts between the District and the private sectors will be enhanced to provide services and public infrastructure consistent with the Plan. Workable implementation modalities such as the Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement will be explored and used to procure and deliver major infrastructure projects and services through cooperation between a public institution and one or more private enterprises. A private business or entity which has the financial and technical capacity can work with line agencies and State-Owned Entities to develop robust and credible PPP proposals to provide services and public infrastructure in the District. In accordance with the Plan we will facilitate and support business partners who would want to promote our development agenda through private sponsorships.

  5. Individuals

    Individuals with higher value principles and believe are willing to innovate and create initiatives of development significance in the District for the common public good. Such creative works and initiatives which facilitate to create development assets and values for the District will be recognized and backed. In the District we propose to form partnerships with individuals having innovative and creative ideas that can help with the creation of common goods and promotion of locally based technological and entrepreneurial development.